
We accept returns within 14 days of you receiving your order. If you would like to return your item(s), please contact us to let us know.

EU customers:
Buyers are responsible for the cost of return shipping.
The buyer will receive a full refund of the value of the item(s) and the cost of standard shipping within 14 days of their return.
If the item(s) is / are not returned in their original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value.

International customers outside the EU:
Buyers are responsible for the cost of return shipping.
The buyer will receive a full refund of the value of the item(s), not including shipping, within 14 days of their return.
If the item(s) is / are not returned in their original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value.
Unfortunately, we do not accept exchanges or cancellations, but please do get in touch if you have a problem with your order.